
Tori / 秋婷


本來在時尚雜誌BAZAAR當時尚編輯,過著如"穿著Prada的惡魔"般的生活,曾經以為沒有名牌。華服會活不下去的我,經過瑜珈洗禮後,找到真正幸福快樂的真諦,因為瑜珈和老公相識到結合,我們的瑜珈寶寶20093月降臨地球,取名蔡珈恩””Grace”,瑜珈的恩典,懷孕十個月不間斷的練習,讓我感到身體輕盈,能量豐沛,孕婦可能發生的腰痠,便祕和水腫這些不舒服症狀,都沒在我身上看到,順利生產完一週後開始自我練習,產後的身體重整,反而讓我拋開過去的慣性記憶, 像個初學者般,重新體會瑜珈。珈恩是我的小上師,小天使,謝謝她教導我很多生活哲學,感恩我可以跟著孩子一起成長,享受自然法則,體會內在宇宙無限的能量。

感謝所有教過我的老師及我教過的學生們,讓我們一同享受呼吸,生命的流動..覺知..滿足在每一個當下,感謝我的上師 Stephen Thomas

1.      200hrs Teacher Training with Stephen Thomas and Naichin Tang Yoga Alliance國際認證200小時老師(RYT 200)
2.         40hrs Stephen ThomasRachael Tsai老師所帶領的第二級40小時,阿育吠陀Immersion
3.      10hrs Anusara Philip Yeung workshop
4.       Richard Freeman workshop 

Previously I was the fashion editor for Bazaar magazine. I worked with many magazines writing fashion tips and articles on how to keep the body healthy and fit.
 After that, I began to practice Yoga. I am very grateful to have done my Yoga Teacher Training with Stephen Thomas and Rachel Tsai(Yoga Alliance 200 hour) as well as the 40 hour Ayurvedic immersion. Now I have been teaching Yoga for 3 years, and am looking forward to continuing to create a community of like-minded people to share and enjoy Yoga with. I teach Hatha, Flow, Yin Yoga and Pre-natal yoga. My classes are alignment based on an emphasis on breath awareness and stress relief. I focus on finding balance through a healthy natural way of living. I strive to make my whole life a living yoga.

In 2009, Sam and I were blessed with the birth of our daughter Grace. That’s why we named the studio as “Grace Yoga”. The joy and inspiration she has brought us permeates our life. Amasingly, when I was pregnant with Grace, I practiced Yoga almost on a daily basis, till the day before the delivery; during this period of time, I literally have no symptoms that other pregnant women normally have like swollen feet, constipation, and low back pain, etc.  And even after birth to her, I regain my figure back by doing Yoga as well. Therefore, I am so eager to share those experiences with people around or our members.

By doing and teaching Yoga, I have learned quite a lot from students and members; I get to balance the body and mind, and the hardness and softness of every thing around me.  I also greet this world with the flow of breathing that brings me the awareness, the content and positive thinking toward things. Enjoy Yoga! Enjoy the present moment!

Jordan / 端人


JORDAN希望透過對舞蹈,肢體,藝術生活和瑜珈上的各種經驗來幫助學生在尋找瑜珈的練習中,連接陰與陽、內和外、呼和吸,硬與軟達到身心靈的平衡,來慶祝生命的喜悅。在JORDAN的練習裡參加過無數的工作坊,瑜珈師承Vincent LuHeidi Chen(師承Richard Freeman)Patrick CreelmanPhillip Yeung Ethan Lee,學習解剖學、身體順位、AnusaraAshtanga等,深度鑽研Richard Freeman的瑜珈理念,精進自我練習方式,觀察自己身體改變,透過練習,不斷領悟、被開啟。


Jordan was born in Malaysia. He loves drawing as much as yoga. He is a fashion designer, artist, dancer and a yoga teacher. He studied dance while living in the US and performed as a modern dancer. Since moving to Taipei in 2007, Jordan felt in love with yoga and uses it as a way to release stress from work and slowly found himself centering his life around it. At 2009, Jordan decided to quit his fulltime job and began to work as a freelance artist and yoga teacher. His goal is to help student unite inner and outer self, inhaling and exhaling in bringing balance to their mind, body and spirit. Besides being an avid student and practitioner of the lineage of Anusara and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Jordan has studied from teacher such as Vincent Lu, Heidi Chen, Patrick Creelman, Philp Yeung and Ethan Lee. He is most interested Richard Freeman's teaching in the lineage of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, learning to observe the transformation of the mind and body through regular yoga practice as an inquiry to his own life. He says " Yoga is not an escape from your daily life, it is to help you getting back to your life, being aware that you are not perfect and almighty, instead carrying that attitude of humbleness and honesty into the mat, learn to observe the meaning behind every posture as how it relates to your life." Jordan is a certified 200 hours RYT  and currently sharing his heart oriented, life celebration and devotional yoga session at Grace Yoga.

Workshop and Certificate
Sarah Power, Insight Yoga 1-day Workshop: Mindfulness Meditation, Yin Yoga. April 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
Ken Harakuma, Ashtanga Workshop: Mysore adjustment technique and relaxation technique, March 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
Chuck Miller, "Breath, Root, Core" Ashtanga Mysore style morning workshop, May 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
Carlos Pomeda, "Wisdom of Yoga" yoga philosophy workshop, March, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
Heidi Chen, “meditative flow of movement” Ashtanga Vinyasa based workshop, Dec 2010, Taipei, TaiwanHeidi Chen, “practice from inside out” yoga workshop, April 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
Yoga Alliance RYT 200 with Vincent Lu, Pure Yoga, July 2009, Taipei, curriculum include Vinyasa flow, anatomy, yoga philosophy, sunskrit studying, meditation, chanting, hot yoga, ashtanga, yin, and pranayama.
Gloria McClan “Erick Hawkins modern dance technique” modern dance workshop, July 2006, New York
Pascal Benichou “Modern Dance Choreography” dance choreography workshop, Oct 2006, New York

Paula / 佩玲

2003年在印度旅行時開始接觸到瑜珈,且留在北印的達蘭撒拉一個月,並向Ashtanga大師 Vijay以及Himalayan Iyengar大師Sharat學習。
2008.10~2009.3月到南印度邁索爾MysoreAtma Vikasa瑜珈中心,在印度瑜珈大師Venkatesha的教導下受訓五個月。
2009.10~11月在台北Pure瑜珈中心, 完成美國瑜珈聯盟200小時的師資訓練.
( Patrick Creelman老師所指導的Hatha Anusara )
2011.10~11月在台北台安醫院, 完成美國瑜珈聯盟85小時的孕婦師資培訓. ( 由田慧玲老師指導 )

透過瑜珈練習, 除了讓我的脊椎側彎與背疾得到改善外, 身心靈也因此感到更加健康平衡. 它幫助我由外而內的觀察自己, 由內而外的去感受世界, 並試著從內心找到平靜與自由.
所以瑜珈對我而言不單單只是指在瑜珈墊上的時間, 而更是在瑜珈墊外的生活態度.

While traveling in India in 2003, I began to start developing a real interest in yoga. I started my study in Dharonsala with Himalyayan Iyengar with Sharat archarya and Vijay archarya learning Ashtanga for one month.
I went back to India again in 2008 to the south (Mysore) to do a more intensive study with Venkatesha archarya for 5 months.
In October 2009, because of my real deep love of yoga, I decided to become a certified teacher. Therefore, I completed the 200 hours Yoga Alliance with Patrick Creelman in Hatha Anusara yoga.

Cindy / 佳靜



I hold a Bachelor degree in Sports and Leisure Studies, after that I went to England and graduated from the University of Southampton in the UK with a master degree of Marketing Analytics, but it wasn’t long before I realized my life would be much better spent on the mat and sharing yoga with people. I work with Yoga as an art and science with two objectives: the health and the balance of mind and body, and the merging of the self. I am enthusiastic about teaching simple but useful techniques that encourage health, strength, deep relaxation and healing.

I am so humbled by and grateful for the opportunity to share my own realizations and discoveries, hoping to help yogis to enjoy their learning. I bring years of dedicated practice, study, and training to my teaching; I offer lessons including Hatha Yoga, Flow Yoga, and also Pilates. With the combination of traditional yoga philosophy and the understanding of sports science, I teach the physical postures as a way to stay vibrant, healthy, and become more connected to and comfortable in body and mind.
˙The Anusara Immersion by Patrick Creelman
˙Yoga Alliance International 100 Hrs Teacher Training@ Wave Yoga Beijing.
˙Adidas Anusara Yoga Teacher Training
˙AFAA 美國體適能協會墊上科學核心訓練證照
 * Offering Bilingual programs in yoga

Veronica / 詠容


2006年的夏天,因為朋友給我的一張瑜珈DVD,開始了我瑜珈的旅程,當時我還只是個對未來充滿著許多憧憬的大學生,但瑜珈就是有這麼大的魔力,讓我沒來由的就是要練習,每次每次的練習,都讓我的身、心、靈感到很喜悅,而在練習的過程,讓我遇見自我的神性,記得第一次因為Savasana 大休息時,不自覺的流下了喜悅的眼淚,是一種狂喜,喜極而泣的感覺。從那一刻開始,我就知道瑜珈會變成我生活中的一部份,他對我來說不只是身體上的運動,而是一種生活態度,生活方式,一個愛自己,照顧自己身、心、靈的練習。

感謝我生命中所有的人,相信在我生命中出現的人都是我最好的老師,也感謝在瑜珈練習上的所有老師們! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Practicing Yoga opened a new chapter in my life. it is a way for me to understand myself and to know how wonderful it is to be alive. Because of Yoga,  I met people from all over the world and made me realize that we are all the same regardless of where we come from. "On the mat we are one"

I started practicing Yoga in the Summer of 2006 when a friend of mine gave me some yoga DVDs. I was so addicted to Yoga that I started to practice everyday. Practice made me full of joy and energy. With time, Yoga became a part of me and my life, and this is a way for me to connect with the Divine. Yoga is not only a physical exercise but a lifestyle, a way to nourish the body, the mind ,and the soul.

I start teaching Hatha Yoga after completing a Teacher's training seminar in Bali in Feb 2011. After that I kept on learning with many wonderful teachers including Stephen Thomas.

Yoga experience:
Currently Teaching at菁瑜珈  in Tien mu
2011-Teaching at GraceYoga in Taipei
2011-Stephen ThomasTeacher Training in Bali Ubud. RYT 120hrs
2010-Stephen ThomasPranayama & Asana Immersion
2010-Stephen Thomas& Naichin Teacher Training Intensive Morning Practice
2009-Rachel TaiAyurveda Workshop
2009-GovindaKai Ashtanga workshop
2009-SriO. P. Tiwari Pranayamaworkshop
2009-RichardFreeman workshop
2008-Sephen Thomas Pranayama and Meditation Immersion

Dino / 德誠


Understanding the body, the only thing that stays with oneself the whole life, is very important.
Practicing yoga can allow one's body and soul to experience the interwining feelings and emotions of real life—
soreness, comfort, happiness, and misery; this process truly reflects one's existential experiences.
After years of yoga practice, I have learned to treat myself and others well.
I am now breathing and feeling via the way of yoga.

Vivi / 屏穎

不停的在找尋關於我WHO AM I以為到不同的國家可以找到答案?去找尋那個真我”Atman!因為即便時空、地點、人、事、物接換,赫然發現Mind始終跟隨,這個意識始終帶著走,唯有懂得控制思緒,內心的平靜才會伴隨而來!在2008年開始第一堂的瑜珈課以後,我停下了腳步,發現這就是我要的答案...Yoga! 當我住進加州靜修林半年的時間過著瑜珈人的生活才明白什麼叫Yoga?如果你和我一樣一直在學習成長,對自我追尋有相同的興趣,我將樂於與您分享個人學習瑜珈上的美好的經驗,在這動靜之間中去發現生命所給的提示,讓我們一同展開尋找生命與宇宙共存的意義..我心存感謝Swami Sitar和楊敦平 ShyamDas指引我在瑜珈的路上,以及所有認真的Yogis and Yoginis~
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Om Peace, Peace, Peace…  Before I would frequently ask myself: “Who am I?” I thought that if I travelled to many different countries I could find the answer, that I would find my “Atman”! After traveling to so many different places and meeting so many different people, I discovered that wherever one goes, the mind never changes.  To know how to control our body is to know how to control our mind, and after achieving the harmony of body and mind we can find peace.  I lived on an ashram in California for more than six months, learning how to be a real “yogi,” and I discovered what true yoga is. If you would like to travel along the yoga path along with me, then I would like to share what I have learned with you.

Jelly / 旭亞



AFAA 美國有氧體適能協會 PC
BODY LAB Pilates Mat Work

    2011-2012    ARTISTIC YOGA 3
萬芳醫院減重運動班 有氧老師
輔仁大學理工學院 瑜珈老師
台北市華江國小 有氧老師
板橋市大觀國中 瑜伽提斯老師
板橋市美伊瑜珈有氧教室 有氧/瑜珈老師
土城市土城國小 瑜伽提斯老師
台北市萬興國小 有氧老師
土城區金扶輪俱樂部 有氧老師
台北市FISH SUN 俱樂部 有氧老師
林口區遠雄U未來休閒會館瑜 伽提斯老師
新店區綠灣休閒會館 拉丁有氧/瑜伽提斯老師
三峽區遠雄耶魯休閒會館 兒童律動老師
三峽區遠雄哈佛休閒會館 兒童律動老師
台北市媚登峰 有氧老師


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